GTM Kit 1.10: Setup wizard for new users

We’re excited to announce the latest update to GTM Kit, which has been long under way. It has been 2 months since we have released the last version of GTM Kit.

A new user interface is comming

We have been working hard to take the user experience of GTM Kit to the next level with a modern user interface based on Gutenberg components and the React framework. This has been a lot more work than we ever imagined, and we are not finished yet.

With version 1.10 we are introducing a setup-wizard for new users that will help set up GTM Kit. There are a lot of configuration options in GTM Kit, and they can be overwhelming to new users. We want to change that, so GTM Kit will be equally useful for beginners and advanced users.

In the past two months we have laying the groundwork for these new features.

Existing user won’t see any difference after upgrading to 1.10 but they can look forward to future releases, where the rest of the user interface will get an upgrade.

The PHP requirement stays at 7.2 for now

We have annonced at new PHP requirement back i march, which was going happen with this release. However, we still have some users on PHP 7.2 and since it was not necesary to raise the requirement for this release we have decided to postpone it to Q3 this year.

We do reccommend that you use at least PHP 7.4 or newer as it is faster and more secure..all our users

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